Getting A Girlfriend Who Is "The Total Package"

Recently, while out for a night on the town, I saw a very attractive woman walking beside me.

This was different from just another attractive girl.

There was no cigarette dangling between her lips or fingers.  From her toned figure, you could bet she hit the gym and had a healthy lifestyle. She seemed relaxed, and not high on herself.

As I stepped closer, I noticed her outfit was stylish, not trashy like some of the women leaving the local club.  I spoke a few words with her.  She was warm, feminine, and intelligent.

And then it hit me- this girl actually is my girlfriend.  She's "the total package". The girl I chose to be with after dating many quality women.

Just a few years ago, I thought this would never happen for me.  I kept attracting the wrong women.    

How did I go from having no idea on how to even find the right kind of woman, to getting a great girlfriend?

Keep in mind, that I am not some kind of celebrity or wealthy prince. I struggled for years trying to figure out how to get a quality girlfriend.

You might be asking what exactly do I mean by a “great girl” or a “quality woman”. I mean the kind of woman that you are not only physically attracted to, but who is also warm, faithful, upbeat, intelligent, and who has total integrity.    

So what did I do to GET a great woman?

                            Most Men Will Never Get A Great Woman

I know you want to get a great woman. Almost every man does.  Human history has been paved by the men who know that “behind every great man, is a great woman.”

The feeling you get from being with such a woman is the most incredible experience on earth.  But what do most guys do about it?

Absolutely nothing.

And sometimes, they do something worse than nothing: They fall prey to the tactics being spread like wildfire by supposed “dating gurus” and “pick up artists”.  

The problem is that those “tactics” are the ultimate “anti-attraction” when it comes to getting the best type of woman!

The dating guru advice, on everything from how to approach a woman, to how to get physically intimate, to how to interact with her long-term, all spells disaster for any man who wants to attract a great woman looking for "the real thing".  

She is simply investing too much of her emotions, her life, and her future, to go for a guy who uses high-pressure tactics, pick-up lines, or any other gimmicks.      

And just about every guy I've ever talked to would like to get a great girlfriend, who’s not only
attractive, but also fun to be with, intelligent, honest, kind, and has her act together.

It’s a tragedy that the advice out there has sabotaged men from achieving this goal.

I was one of those men.         

A few years ago, I went through a horrific break-up with a woman.  It tore my heart to shreds when I realized just how badly I had been betrayed and disrespected.

I swore that if I ever seriously dated a woman again, it would only be with a quality woman.  Otherwise, I would prefer no woman at all.  The decision was absolutely clear to me, for life.   

So I devoured every book, attended every seminar, and studied every DVD on the subject of dating women.  As you might guess, there were a lot of “dating gurus” and “pick up artists” out there who promised all the answers.

I was the perfect bait for the dating gurus and pick-up artists who exploited my pain by telling me that all women are the same.  They said that all women will abuse you and lose attraction for you if you get into a long-term relationship with them unless you “game” them by using an assortment of shady tactics.

What I got from using their advice was a lot worse than no dates: I got plenty of the wrong dates, and plenty of the wrong women, and I lost years of precious time.

WORST of all, their advice and “tactics” DESTROYED my chances with a rare, quality woman I had met, a woman who would have been a fantastic girlfriend and quite possibly “the one” for life.                 

It took me years to learn just how destructive their advice is for any man looking for something real with a great woman.     

The tragic reality is that most men will not end up with a great woman, because they will feel overwhelmed by loneliness and they will settle for whatever they can get.

What’s just as unfortunate is that many men will be pushing away the very best of women, and they’ll be attracting all the women they don’t want, by using “dating guru” and “pick-up artist” advice.       

                         You Can Choose To Have A Different Ending

This is where I come in.

I've spent the last several years learning EVERYTHING there is to know about getting a GREAT GIRLFRIEND, and about what it takes to not only make her feel attraction, but something else as well: I was obsessed with the HIGHER level- the level called LOVE.   

Attraction alone is not enough.  Plenty of men and women have one night stands and then forget the person the next day.  But when LOVE is mixed into the equation, you have the stuff of greatness, of legend.  

People will gladly do things out of love that nothing else on earth could make them do.      

During those years that I dedicated to studying this, I learned how you can spark LOVE in a woman.

And I learned what the dating gurus and pick-up artists don’t know, as well as all the important things
they don’t want you to know.  

In simple language that is easy to understand, I’ve devoted over two years to writing down every-thing that I’ve learned and discovered in my new book.  This book has been written for the greater good of mankind and for those men everywhere who are not interested in anything less than love and a great woman.

This special book is available to you for instant download. 

The book is called "Get A Great Girl: How To Be The Man A Quality Woman Wants For Life".

I’ve seen up close how most men are doing the very things that push AWAY the best type of woman
every time they meet her. 
In my book, I’ll teach you the RIGHT things to do.   

If you're not sure how to get a girlfriend and how to keep a girlfriend, and would like to get this part of
your life handled, this book will help you.  

If you're already meeting quality women, or you are already with one special woman, this book will
make you even better.

You might want to date several great women so that you can choose the best one to be your girlfriend.  You might be looking to meet the woman who will become your wife.  Or you might want to win the heart of a particular woman you know.  

That's all good. If you are looking for a great woman, this book will help you.

This book isn’t some repackaged form of typical “pick-up artist” teachings.  There will be absolutely no tricks, no cons, no deceiving of women, no manipulating of women.  No gimmicks.  

You will not be learning how to appeal to women who are into heavy drinking or partying. And you won’t be learning how to get women who are into loud nightclubs or promiscuity.  I’ll leave all that to the others out there who deal with that sort of thing.  

Here, you’ll learn one thing only: How to get the kind of woman that you really want, the kind of woman that would make a fantastic girlfriend or wife.    

Every word of this book is the result of years of my own painstaking research and my own real world experience.  That's not some exaggeration-you'll see immediately from this book that it WILL change you and it WILL massively improve your results with the kind of woman you want.   

I swear to it -  I had to learn everything on my own the hard way. There is no one else out there who is showing how to get a great woman as your girlfriend, applying all the knowledge that I have gained through over a decade of being immersed in this field. There is no one else out there the same credentials to prove it publicly.

Also, you will find that this book doesn't take any lazy short cuts.  There are no "one word answers" in this book that leave you wondering how to apply what you read. Instead, each topic is covered in full detail to ensure you understand everything perfectly, so that you get the results you desire FAST.

This book is massive. It's 234 pages of pure GOLD on getting a great woman, and I've ALSO included an extra THREE bonuses in the forms of three bonus booklets on the topics of approaching women, creating the most powerful mindset for success, and on how quality women test men in a very different way that is extremely helpful for you to understand for maximum success.

And on top of all that, I've PROVEN publicly to the media that what I teach actually works.  The press has followed my work worldwide.  This isn't just about "getting laid" and "picking up women" like so many others out there obsess about; it's about getting a great relationship with a quality woman.

When you hear the term "get laid" used by a wannabe "expert", you already know that it has nothing to do with finding a great woman.  For me though, getting a great woman is what it's all about, or there is no point. 

The cost of this book is only $39.97. And of course you are also getting the three bonuses as well. How much is it worth it to you to get the most effective advice for attracting and keeping a truly great woman? The woman you are with will have the most significant impact on your entire life, so this is truly an investment in your future.

Download this book, and get the girlfriend of your dreams NOW:

Click Here To Download The "Get A Great Girl" E-Book Now!

